
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

1859 J. S. Mill publishes Essay on Liberty.

Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of

1861 American Civil War begins.

Russia emanicipates its serfs.

1863 J. S. Mill publishes Utilitarianism.

Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Pro-
clamation frees U.S. slaves.

1864 Ferdinand Lassalle is killed in a duel.

1865 Lincoln is assassinated.

1867 Marx publishes first volume of Das

1869 Gandhi born.

J. S. Mill publishes The Subjection of

1870 Lenin born.

1872 Nietzsche publishes The Birth of Tragedy.

Marx secures the explusion of Bakunin
from the International Workingmen’s

1873 J. S. Mill dies.

1882 Bakunin publishes God and the State.

1883 Marx dies.

Mussolini born.
Keynes born.

1884 Engels publishes The Origin of the Fam-
ily, Private Property and the State.
William Graham Sumner’s What Social
Classes Owe to Each Otherpublished.

1887 Theodor Herzl organizes the first Zion-
ist World Congress.

1889 Edward Bellamy publishes Looking

1893 Emile Durkheim publishes The Division
of Labor in Society.

1902 Kropotkin’s Mutual Aidis published.

Vladimir Lenin publishes Chto Dielat?
(What Is To Be Done?) one of the pri-
mary works of Soviet communism.

1904 Leonard Hobhouse’s Democracy and
Reactionis published.
1910 Emma Goldman’s Anarchism and Other
1911 Robert Michels’s Zur Soziologie des
Partweiwesens in der modernen De-
mokratie(Political Parties: A Sociologi-
cal Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies
of Modern Democracy) published.
1912 Chinese Republic declared. Confucian-
based imperial system ends.
Walter Rauschenbusch publishes Chris-
tianity and the Social Crisis.
1916 Giovanni Gentile’s Teoria generale dello
spirito come atto puro (The Theory of
Mind as Pure Act) is published.
1917 The Bolsheviks gain power in the Russ-
ian Revolution.
U.S. Congress approves 18th Amend-
ment, starting the Prohibition era.
John Rawls’s A Theory for Justicepub-
1920 Richard Tawney’s The Acquisitive Society
is published.
The Nineteenth Amendment, guaran-
teeing women’s right to vote, becomes
law in the United States.
Max Weber publishes The Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
1921 Nikolay Bukharin publishes The Theory
of Historical Materialism.
Antonio Gramsci helps found the Ital-
ian Communist Party.
1923 The Institute for Social Research, also
known as the Frankfurt School, is
founded as part of the University of
1925 Scopes Trial takes place in Tenneessee,
Hitler publishes Mein Kampf.
1927 John Dewey publishes The Public and
its Problems.

324 Chronology

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