
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Bacon, Sir Francis (1561–1626) British states-
man and philosopher

Bacon’s most important contribution to political
thought was his integration of science and govern-
ment. Living at a time when scientific knowledge was
suspect, Bacon designed an ideal state (in his book
New Atlantis) that relied on a “College of Science” or
“Solomon’s House” to advise and guide government.
The phrase “Knowledge is Power” comes from this
Baconian idea that science and technology lead to
political, economic, and military power and prestige.
This makes Bacon one of the first MODERN political
thinkers who believe that humans should control
nature for their own purposes through enlightened,
scientific knowledge. Much of his writings concern
empiricism, or the scientific method for searching for
truth (for example, his book Proficience and Advance-
ment of Learning,1605). This affected his views of pol-
itics and religion. His “New Philosophy” encouraged a
more machinelike REPUBLICANstate than the prevailing
personal MONARCHYof his time, and he encouraged a
critical, skeptical approach to religious faith.
Born to a noble English family, Bacon was educated
at Trinity College, Cambridge University, studied law

at Gray’s Inn in London, and served in Parliament.
Under King James I, Bacon served the British monar-
chy in several administrative positions, including
attorney general and lord chancellor. Later in his life,
he was accused of bribery and corruption and retired,
disgraced, to private life.
Bacon is seen as a transitional figure between the
CHRISTIAN MIDDLE AGES and the modern scientific

Further Readings
Bacon, Francis. The essayes or counsels, civill and morall.,ed.
with intro. and commentary by Michael Kiernan. Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985.
Bacon, F. The Advancement of Learning and New Atlantis,A.
Johnston, ed. Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1974.
———. Essays,J. Pitcher, ed. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin
Books, 1985.
Bozeman, Theodore Dwight. Protestants in an Age of Science:
The Baconian Ideal and Ante-Bellum American Religious
Thought.Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
Du Maurier, Daphne, Dame. The Winding Stair: Francis Bacon,
His Rise and Fall,1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday,
1977, 1976.
Peppiatt, Michael. Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma,1st
American ed. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997.

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