
(Michael S) #1


world is really looking
toward L.A.We wantedto
say, ‘Lookat the diversit y of
programming they’re doing
and what’s happening in the
fall with the PST initiative,’ ”
said Kim Martindale,the
L.A. Art Show’s general
manager and partner,refer-
ring to Pacific Standard
Time programming at mu-
willexplor etheLatinAmeri-
can influences in the history
of L.A.’s art scene. “It’s to try
and have a voice for these
museums in L.A. at the
show. And I’mexcited and
honoredthatthey’r epartici-
Further sharpening its
focuson postwar a nd con-
temporary art, the L.A. Art
Show will reduce the num-
berofi tshistoricaldealersto
nine, compared with last
year’s 40. They had been fea-
tured in an adjacent show-
Angeles Fine Art Show. The
new, smaller “curated”sec-
tion, called “Roots,” will fea-
ture primarily19th and early
20th century painting,
prints and drawings.
Therewill still beanaddi-
tional150,000 square feet for
galleriesto feature workfor
sa le. But thecoexistence
thisyear ofa commercial
section side-by-side with a
dedicated space for muse-
um exhibitions iskey, Mar-
tindale said.
“I want to see people en-
gagein a rt andenjoy the
art,” Martindale said. “Is
therea commercialside,and
do we want to see these gal-
leries sell theirwork? Yes,
that’s a component as well.
It’s so you can see and enjoy
them both at the same time.
The hope is you have an
overallcomplete art experi-
Many of the institutions
will be highlightingLatin
American art.
LACMA will stage “Frag-
ments From Home,” which
includes performance and
installation piecesby two
artists,New York-based Ra-
phaelMontañez Ortizand
L.A.-based Ramiro Gomez.
Montañez Ortiz ’s installa-
tion, “Couch Destruction:
Angel Release (Pennies
From Heaven),” and his per-
formance, “ShredYour Wor-
ries,”address politicaland
religiousconcerns while his
installation “Piano Destruc-
tion Ritual: Cowboy and In-
dian, PartTwo”looksat how
we construct and decon-

struct our lives. Gomez’s
cardboard installation,
“Cut-Outs,” createsa por-
tr ait of what the artis t sees
as a contemporary Latin
American servicecommuni-
ty of gardeners, housekeep-
ers, caregivers and others.
Both artists are partici-
pants in LACMA’s program
for “Pacific Standard Time:
The Museum of Latin
American Art will prese nt
“In My FloatingWorld,” an
installation by Dominican-
bornartist Scherezade Gar-
cia, curated byTatiana Flo-
res. Theworkis a wall made
of blu e life prese rvers
wil l also show as part of MO-
LAA’s program for “Pacific
Standard Time: LA/LA.”
The Muzeo Museum and
Cultural Center will stage

part of an upcoming exhib-
ition, “DeconstructingLib-
erty: A DestinyManifested,”
which is curated byMarisa
Caichiolo and examines pa-
triotism, citizenship and
community through paint-
ings, photography, video
and performances byLatin
American artists. The piece
on dis play at the L.A. Art
Show, “Talking Head Trans-
mitters,” is by EugeniaVar-
gas-Pereira. It’s an interac-
tive radioproject; passersby
can peek into the pop-up ra-
dio station, which will
stream commentary from
the L.A. Art Show online.
As part of the show’s “Di-
rector PhilippeVergne will
appear inconversation with
Martindaleto discuss “The
Making ofJeff Koons’ ‘Bal-
loon Dog.’” Another panel

will feature Idurre Alonso,
associate curator of Getty
Research Institute’s Latin
American Collections,mod-
erating“A Conversation on
Pacific Standard Time: LA/
This sort of museum pro-
gramming “opens up the
L.A. Art Show to a diff erent
sort of engagement with the
arts community and the
general public,” said Caichi-
olo, who curated “Decon-
structingLiberty.” “For the
museums,too, it ’s great ex-
posure,especially because
someof the museums in-
volved aren’t as well known
as museums like LACMA.”
“L.A. is really growing
culturally, and the fair
shouldreflect that,” Caichi-
olo added. “We’re hoping
this will spark a dialogue be-
tween the city and the fair,
ists, thecurators and the in-


THE MUSEUM OFLatin American Art will present “In My FloatingWorld,” an installationby Dominican-born artist Scherezade Garcia,at the L.A. Art Show.

WilliamVazquezL.A. Art Show

An artful introduction

LACMA WILLstage Raphael Montañez Ortiz’s “Piano Destruction Ritual.”

Madam LuxembourgL.A. Art Show

L.A. Art Show

Where:Los Angeles
Convention Center, West
Hall,1201 S. Figueroa St.,
When:Openingparty 7-11
p.m. Wednesday; show 11
a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday-
Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tickets:See website

[Art show,fromE1]

LOUIS HOCK’S“A wall” (2016) will be presentedat
the L.A. Art Showat the L.A. Convention Center.

Pablo MasonL.A. Art Show

Jan 12 - 1 5


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