
(Michael S) #1


1 Bowling alley button
6 Europeancheese town
10 Puddle jumper trip
13 Wedding figu re
14 ChapStickcontainer
15 Fix up
16 Newspaperreporter’s
18 Big star
19 “I’m with ya”
20 Threateningwords
21 Farming prefix
22 “Wheel ofFortune” buy
23 Smooth, as transitions
25 Wise
29 DOJ bureau
30 Dryas dust
31 Speaker’sspot
34 Get out of bed
37 “__ who?”
38 Chiropractor’s
40 N.L. player whose
homegames include a
Presidents Race
41 Brownish-green
43 Greenish-blue
44 Some prosecutors:
45 “Selma” director
46 Drops in
48 Medical emergency alert
53 Baby fox
54 Soon, to abard
55 Kibbutz setting
57 Actress Thurman
60 Cooling meas.
61 Comedian’s
63 Bass’red triangle, e.g.
64 Moran of “Happy Days”
65 Flared dress
66 NewTestament bk.
67 German battleship
Graf __
68 Connection point

1 Former NYC mayor
2 Seesaw sitter of tongue
3 Send in a box
4 Sushi selection
5 “Taste this”
6 French I verb

7 Stereotypical dawn
8 Take down a peg
9 Scorned lover of Jason
10 Landscaper’s
11 Aromas
12 Shirts named for a
15 Theater district
17 Leewho was thetop-
charting female soloist
of the ’60s
22 Helping hand
24 Painter Cassatt
25 Over-the-shoulder band
26 Square statistic
27 Domino’s delivery
driver’s compensation?
28 Diplomatic skill
32 ’50s prez
33 Healthresorts
35 Swedish automaker
36 Internet crafts
38 Spill the beans
39 PC feature only used in
42 “All the same ... ”

44 Fitting
47 TV’s J .R. Ewing, e.g.
48 Part of CNN
49 Winning
50 “__ Been Good”:Joe
Walsh hit
51 Take o ver
52 Bath-loving Muppet
56 Novelist Rice
57 Windows alternative
58 Drop-down list
59 Yes votes
62 Chihuahuacheer




BLISSByHarryBliss BALLARD STREETByJerryVanAmerongen


Eve ry boxwill contai n a number; numbers depend on the size of thegrid. For a 6x6
puzzle, useNos. 1-6. Do notrepeat a number in anyrow orcolumn. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares mustcombineto produce the target number found in the
top leftcorner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the samerow orcolumn.


ARGYLE SWEATERBy Scott Hilburn MARMADUKEByBrad&Paul Anderson


By RobertE.Lee Morris © 20 17 Trib une Content Agency

Edited By RichNorris andJoyce Nichols Lewis


Aries(March 21-April19):
It gives unexpected satis-
factionto learn why things
are the way they are.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): It may bea bit of a
stretchto suggest that those
born under the sign that
rules money should delight
in austerity, and yet even the
financially minded bull gets
the occasional pulltoward
the simple elegance of mini-
You enjoy being thefirst to
try products, methods and
trends of all kinds. Theword
“new” will capture your at-
tention and spark your curi-
When you’re bored of some-
thing, don’t bailright away.
Stic k with it another stepor
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
You’re not thinking about

appreciate you. This is the
last ofyour worries.
When peoplefind out about
your special talent after
knowingyou a while,they’ll
be surprised.
habits.Laughing is noex-
Many people who achieve
high status want to be
treated the sameas every-
one else.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Todayyou’ll be
amongfriendsand people
wh o wish theywere your
19): Others are uplifted by
your presence. Maybe it’s
somethingyou don’t think
too much about, because it’s
an easy thing foryou to cre-
ate, andyet this is no small
Aquarius(Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Becauseyou’re so com-
fortable with whoyou are

and becauseyou don’t think
of yourself as very different
ble of doing things in group
environments that others
wouldn’t thinkto do.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): Those who don’t pay
compliments comfortably
will give it up foryou today.
Today’s birthday(Jan.
11 ): You go into this year with
an experimental agenda
that helpsyou get to know
yourself better. The nexttwo
satisfyingwork. Family cele-
bratestoge ther inJune. Au-
gust brings an education
that helpsyour social life.Li-
bra and Gemini adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 12,
2, 22, 45 and18.

HolidayMathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment. Previous
forecasts are at


By Holiday Mathis

Awoman’s cat is stuck in
atree, and she callsthe fire
department for help. The
fire chief listens,then asks,
“How do we get there?”
Thevoice on the other
end asks timidly, “Don’tyou
In today’s deal,West led
the queen of spades against
four hearts, and Southtook
dummy’s aceandcashedthe
A-K of trumps hopefully.
Alas,West discarded, and
Southwas sunk. He had to
losetwo spades anda club
plusatrumptoEast’s queen.
South neededto find a
way to reach that bigred
king of diamonds in dummy
sohecoulduseitto discarda
loser. At TrickTwo, South
can leadatrumpandfinesse
with his10.

If West held the queen,
the defensecould cash two
spades, butSouth could win
aclub shift, unblockthe ace
of diamonds,draw trumps
with theace and jack, and
pitch his club loseron the
king of diamonds.
As the cards lie , South’s
trumpfinesse wins,and he
still makes game, losing
three black-suit tricks but
not a trump.
4 ♥J 3 2♦K J 4 2♣5 3 2. The
dealer, at your left,ope ns
one club.Your partner dou-
bles,you respond one dia-
mondand hebidsoneheart.
What do you say?
Answer:If partner had
minimum opening values
witha five-card heart suit,
he would have overcalled
one heart at hisfirst turn.
When he doubles before bid-
ding his suit, he promises a

handworth a trick or more
above minimum. Sinceyou
have ninegood points, raise
to four hearts.

South dealer
N-S vulnerable

♠A 7 4
♥J 3 2
♦K J 4 2
♣5 3 2
♠Q J 10 6 ♠K 9 3
♥ 8 ♥Q 9 6
♦10 7 6 5 ♦Q 9 8 3
♣Q 8 7 6 ♣J 10 4
♠8 5 2
♥A K 10 7 5 4
♣A K 9
1 ♥ Pass 2 ♥ Pass
4 ♥ All Pass

Opening lead—♠Q

TribuneMedia Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy:My brotherand
his wife are expectinga third
My sister-in-law is push-
ing to have the baby use her
last name because her side
of the familydoesn’t have
any malesto carry on the
This has causeda huge
rift in our family. My older
parentsare heartbro ken.
Iwould like to know, is it
an accepted social practice
to have different last names
within the same family?
Would not havingthe same
last name as siblings cause
any negative emotional im-
pactto this third child?
What would be a compro-
mise in this situation?I am
thinkingof suggestinga hy-
phenated name (her last
name, his last name).What
do you think?
Thank you for your wise
Concerned Sister

Dear Sister:My first piece
ofadviceisforallofyouto re-
member that this baby has
two parents whoare making
decisions regarding their
children. This is their issue
(not yours), andthe best
thingyou could do isto urge
your brother and his wifeto
deal withyour parents.
You could influenceyour
parents by encouraging
themto accept this family’s

choice withequanimity.
Many families sport vari-
ous last names within the
familyunit. (In my familyof
five daughters, there are
four different surnames.)
Rarely, familieschooseto di-
vide thespouses’ surnames
between children; and this
can cause paperworkhas-
slesand some issueswhen
traveling asa family, but you
should assume thatyour
brother and his wife are an-
ticipating this.

Dear Amy: My husband
and I are having marital
problems. He’s abusive,con-
trollingand has cheatedon
me at leastfive times. He
takes any moneyI get and
daughter. He is an alcoholic.
Iwant things to workout,
but he doesn’t make any ef-
fort.I love him so much. I
don’twant to lose him. He is
the love of my life. I’ve been
with him sinceI was 17, and
I’m going to be 21 at the end
of the month.
Idon’t know whetherto
try and save my marriage,
because he hasn’tchanged.
He keeps saying he will, but
doesn’t. I’ma stay-at-home
mom.I don’tknow what I’d
do without him. He doesn’t
want to go tomarriage coun-
seling because he says it
doesn’t work.
I’d be devastated if we fell

apart. He isn’t only my hus-
bandbut my bestfriend and
my other half, all wrapped
up in one.I don’t think he
understands that.
What doI do?
Sad Wife

Dear Sad:It isa shame
thatyou love your husband
more thanyou seemto love
yourself, or value your
daughter’s future. Because
raisinga childinahousehold
with abuse, drinking and
cheating willteach her that
this is OK. If she thinks that
this is OK, then she might
choose this for herself, some
day. I hopeyou want a better
life for her.
You describeyour hus-
is thi s how friends treat one
You are young.You are
stil l maturing into your own
adulthood. The journey
toward your own healthier
future will start with you
learning how to love and val-
ue your own life.
You should assume that
your husband will not
change.You are capable of
change, however, and you
needto. Change starts with
yourself) could helpyou to
take thatfirst step.

Send questionsto askamy@


Rift over surname choice

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