Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century

(Greg DeLong) #1

In this case, the provision employing aggregate taxation of households

in imposing comprehensive real-estate taxes is declared to contradict Article 36 ,

Section 1 , of the Constitution, which ensures marriage and family life, because

such a taxation system discriminated between married and non-married couples

without important public interest.

Freedom of occupation

Article 15 of the Constitution guarantees the freedom to choose occupation. It is

well established that this freedom to choose occupation means the freedom of

occupation, which may be employed to protect the freedom of occupational

activities. Simultaneously, it is also generally accepted that in terms of regulatory

balancing, the freedom to choose occupation is given relatively higher protection

in comparison with the freedom of occupational activities in the sense that the

KCC shows a greater deference to the legislature in adopting regulations on

occupation when the latter rather than the former is at stake in constitutional

However, this dichotomy is a relative distinction in that a supposedly

stricter review regarding the freedom to choose occupation seldom results in a

decision of unconstitutionality. For example, in a 2008 case where the freedom to

choose occupation was concerned, the KCC held constitutional a law prohibiting

those who are not visually handicapped from applying for qualification as a

This decision is a dramatic reversal of the KCC’s previous position in

a 2006 case where substantively the same regulation was declared unconstitutional

though the object of review was different because the 2006 case concerned a

departmental decree instead of an Act.^50 However, in another 2008 case, the

KCC invalidated a couple of provisions in the Broadcasting Act and accompanying

enforcement decree giving only the Korea Broadcasting Advertising Corporation

and commercial broadcast marketing agencies financed by the corporation permis-

sion to function as agencies in the terrestrial broadcasting marketing business, on

the ground that they violated the claimant’s equality rights as well as freedom of

occupational operation.^51

In the KCC jurisprudence, the right to occupational operation includes the right

to business operation. Article 104 and Article 142 of the Copyright Act impose a

(^47) Constitutional Court Decision 2006 Hun-Ba 112 , 2007 Hun-Ba 71 · 88 · 94 , 2008 Hun-Ba 3 · 62 ,
2008 Hun-Ka 12 (consolidated), November 13 , 2008 ,Korean Constitutional Court Reports,
Vol. 20 ,No 2 , Part 2 , 1.
(^48) See Constitutional Court Decision 2002 Hun-Ba 41 , October 28 , 2004 ,Korean Constitu-
tional Court Reports, Vol. 16 ,No 2 , Part 2 , 138.
(^49) Constitutional Court Decision 2006 Hun-Ma 1098 , October 30 , 2008 ,Korean Constitu-
tional Court Reports, Vol. 20 ,No 2 , Part 1 , 1089.
(^50) Constitutional Court Decision 2003 Hun-Ma 715 , 2006 Hun-Ma 368 (consolidated), May 25 ,
2006 ,Korean Constitutional Court Reports, Vol. 18 ,No 1 , Part 2 , 112.
(^51) Constitutional Court Decision 2006 Hun-Ma 352 , November 27 , 2008 ,Korean Constitu-
tional Court Reports, Vol. 20 ,No 2 , Part 2 , 367.

92 Kim

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