Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century

(Greg DeLong) #1

This unfair enforcement tended to breed distrust of law and of

law-enforcement authority. In sum, much of Korean society is trapped in a

vicious circle of socially stratified lawlessness, the enactment of unfair laws,

and their arbitrary enforcement.

v. concluding remarks

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, Korean constitutionalism took on a

new dimension after the first phase of democratization lapsed in six consecutive

transfers of power since 1987. The conservative presidency of Lee Myong-bak

between 2008 and 2013 was a contrast to the previous ten years of liberal or

progressive governments of presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun. Undoing

President Lee’s unexpected retroactive approaches and setbacks to constitutional

developments such as popular participation in the political process and better

protection of human rights will be seen by many Korean people as the outstanding

task for the new president Park Geun-hye beginning after one circle of transfer of

powers between the main political forces since the establishment of the so-called

1987 constitutional system. In addition, the global financial crisis of 2007 – 10

spurred many Korean people to advocate more procedural democracy, social

regulation of the market and fair distribution of social resources, all of which are

democratization goals.

In conclusion, after experiencing the ups and downs of constitutional develop-

ment in the first stage of the new millennium, upgrading constitutionalism in the

direction of enhancing both procedural democracy and social equalization now

constitutes a return to the verified agenda that the first generation of the 1987

constitutional system in Korea set forth.

(^65) Civil Proceedings Panel 51 of South Branch of Seoul District Court 2010 KaHap 211 , April 15
2010. See also “Lawmaker ignores court ruling, discloses members of liberal teachers’
union,” Yonhap News Agency, April 19 , 2010 ,at

100 Kim

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