Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century

(Greg DeLong) #1

referred to as the Kim Il-sung–Kim Jong-il Constitution, while the 1998 Consti-

tution is known as the Kim Il-sung Constitution.

Since the late Kim Jong-il became the eternal chairman of the NDC, no other

person can be appointed to the same title. Therefore, the title in the text was

changed to the first chairman of the NDC in respective articles.^77 No other change

was made to the text.

Despite the limited changes to the constitution, one other important detail

should be noted. In the 2012 constitution, North Korea publicly announced itself

a “nuclear-armed state,” rendering North Korea’s nuclear status a constitutional

issue rather than a mere policy matter. The specification of the nuclear state in the

Constitution signifies that the nuclear program in the DPRK is so vital that

its resolution depends on the decision of the people. North Korea now can say,

at the very least, that abandonment of nuclear weapons is against the Constitution.

Although this explicit insertion of “nuclear-armed state” in the constitution does

not prevent North Korea from engaging in denuclearization negotiations with the

United States, South Korea, or other parties in the future, it will surely contribute

to upping the ante by providing the DPRK with another bargaining chip. Thus, a

new obstacle has been erected on the road to the denuclearization of North Korea.

Considering all these changes, one can assume that the junior Kim will likely

follow the policy lines his father advocated – at least for a while. Once Kim Jong-un

successfully establishes his reign in full, he may reveal his true intentions. At that

time, he may amend the Constitution again to fit it to his own direction and rule.

ix. concluding remarks

Each amendment of the Constitution in North Korea has been concerned, in

principle, with a change in the status of the supreme leader or power succession.

The Constitution has been modified to legitimize each new leader’s authority.

Additionally, articles relating to the economy were revised from the 1990 s to ease

the strict central planning system and autarky in order to alleviate the destitute

economic situation of the people. Thus, certain economic activities or types of

ownership were legitimized on the basis of the Constitution.

However, in North Korea, where the rule of law does not govern, but the

directives and words of leaders and administrative directives do, legal grounds

for state actions are not sought for their justification. Although the Constitution

is the highest law in form, it functions merely as a tool of propaganda. In other

words, the Constitution in North Korea exists not for the protection of citizens’

rights and interests but merely as a tool to showcase the superiority of the state’s

system to its citizens and outside observers alike. In this regard, the mere existence

(^77) For example, Arts. 91 , 95 , 100 – 5 , 107 , 109 , 147 , and 156.

116 Yoon

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