Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century

(Greg DeLong) #1


Major constitutional developments in Japan in the first

decade of the twenty-first century

Shojiro Sakaguchi

This chapter reviews several major constitutional developments in Japan in the first

decade of the twenty-first century and then examines the current and future state of

Japanese constitutional law. Among the many possible topics that merit attention,

this chapter focuses on two main subjects from the perspective of comparative

constitutional law, namely ( 1 ) the rise and fall of the movement towards

constitutional reform and ( 2 ) the recent tendency towards activist judicial review

by the Supreme Court of Japan.

Regarding the first issue, I argue that the conflict between the Cabinet Legisla-

tion Bureau and conservative politicians concerning the interpretation of Article 9

is a principal cause of the recent movement towards constitutional revision.

As to the second issue, I argue that the Supreme Court has not finally abandoned

its conservative attitude despite its recent tendency towards activism. I also briefly

discuss the revision of the Fundamental Law on Education.

Finally, I argue that the impact of the change of government, from the

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to the Democratic Party, on the development

of Japanese constitutional law is relatively insignificant since both parties are

basically inclined towards constitutional reform. In December 2012 , the LDP

won the House of Councilors election and returned to the position of ruling

party. Since then, the LDP has made revision of the Constitution part of its

political agenda.

The first topic is a major development in Japanese constitutional law in the first

decade of the twenty-first century. The Constitution of Japan has never been

amended despite attempts to do so in the past. The current movement to revise

the Constitution will have an effect across Asia because Article 9 , which is the main

issue of current constitutional revision, was originally enacted to ensure peace in

the region. Since Japan has still failed to deal with the question of war responsibility

and earn the trust of neighboring countries, any revision of Article 9 would be too

premature to be accepted by them.


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