Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century

(Greg DeLong) #1

include how to materialize social and cultural rights while striking a balance

between civil and political rights and public interests like national security and

public order. This period of constitutional controversy has also witnessed remark-

able developments of civil society.

The last section of the main part evaluates the constitutional changes in this

period as a whole by way of revealing schematically sociopolitical implications and

the nexus between constitutional and legal changes and their social and political


Background: characteristics of Korean constitutional history from 1948 to 1987

To understand recent developments, it is necessary to know the basic periods and

features of the Korean constitution.^1 Since the enactment of the first constitution of

1948 , nine constitutional revisions have been made. Most revisions were made to

change governmental structure, either in order to reflect de facto shifts of political

power in the wake of a coup d’e ́tat or civil revolution, or in order to strengthen

despotism by way of changing institutional bars to the re-election of the incumbent

president or to strengthen authoritarian powers. The only exception is the

Fifth Amendment of November 29 , 1962 , which was intended to provide interim

measures in the addendum of the Constitution to sanction in retrospect

those involved in illegal and corrupt activities under the Rhee administration.

Long-standing strides toward democratization produced the present constitutional

system as a direct outcome of the People’s Uprising of 1987. Five features of Korean

constitutionalism are worthy of attention.

First, a kind of presidential system has been preferred in Korea. However, it

should be borne in mind that the executive power is not granted to the president

alone, but to a collective entity of administrative agencies and committees.

The prime minister, the State Council, and state councilors are institutionalized

to facilitate and control presidential powers.

Second, the National Assembly as a single chamber of legislature is entrusted to

exercise broad discretion in the composition of governmental structure and the

restriction of constitutional rights. Unlike the Constitution of the United States

of America, where Congress can act only as prescribed by the Constitution,^2

the legislative body was vested with the general regulatory power to guarantee

national security, public order, and public welfare.

(^1) For a further sketch of the history of constitutionalism in modern Korea and its character-
istics, see Jongcheol Kim, “Constitutional law,” in Korea Legislation Research Institute
(ed.),Introduction to Korean Law(Heidelberg: Springer, 2013 ), pp. 31 – 8. The author draws
on this work in the sections below on ‘legal status of an independent commission’ and
‘freedom of conscience’.
(^2) The Constitution of the USA, Articlei, Section 8.
(^3) The Constitution of the ROK, Article 37 ( 2 ).

Upgrading constitutionalism 77

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