Asian Military Review — May 2017

(Ann) #1

(^18) | AsiAn MilitAry review |
the firm’s SVK 7.62mm, SV-98M 7.62mm
and VSV-338 8.6mm sniper weapons.
Additionally, DND forces could benefit
from support weapons including the
same company’s RPK-16 5.45mm light
machine gun, sources added.
Beyond the Philippines, Indonesia is
pressing ahead with the indigenous
design, development and manufacturing
of SALW in order to lessen its reliance on
the international supply of weapons. PT
Pindad used the IndoDefence exhibition
held in Jakarta in November 2016 to
promote its family of assault rifles and
submachine guns including the SS-
7.62mm assault rifle. Designed as a next-
generation solution to the company’s
own SS-2 weapon, the SS-3 fires NATO-
standard 7.62mm ammunition and
features a gas operated firing mechanism
with a rotating bolt. The weapon, which
weighs 5.3kg (11.6lb), has a maximum
effective range of 500m (1640.4ft)
according to PT Pindad’s literature. The
rifle was exhibited at the IndoDefence
exent with a X4 optical weapon sight as
well as a bipod and forward hand grip
for enhanced stability. Also featured at
the event was the company’s SS2-V
carbine, fitted with a suppressor and
aimed towards the special operations
community. Firing 5.56mm rounds
with a 30-round magazine capacity, the
weapon weighs 3.7kg (8.1lb) and retains a
maximum effective range of 150m (492ft),
according to company officials.
Finally, PT Pinbad is marketing its
PM-3 submachine gun, available in 9mm
calibre with a weight of 3.1kg (6.8lb) with
a gas operated firing mechanism. This
weapon has a maximum effective range
of 75m (246ft), making it ideal for CQB,
covert special reconnaissance tasks and
as a personal defence weapon.
On 6th January, the Indonesian
government unveiled a two percent
investment increase, worth $7.2 billion
per annum, for the country’s special forces
although defence sources were unable
to confirm to AMR how much money
would be set aside for the acquisition of
SALWs. However, sources did confirm
how evaluation teams from Indonesia’s
Army Special Forces Command
(KOPASSUS), Naval Special Warfare
More contemporary firearms such as the
HK-417 7.62mm sharpshooter could
soon be adopted by Asia-Pacific nations
seeking to replace legacy 7.62mm G3 assault
rifles, as manufactured by Pakistan Ordnance
Factories for example.
Heckler and Koch
Soldiers from the Philippines Army
conduct sniper training with their US
counterparts. The country continues to
be supplied with US-manufactured SALW
despite the government increasingly
considering Russian and Chinese sources.

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