Asian Military Review — May 2017

(Ann) #1



(^52) | AsiAn MilitAry review |
by Beth Stevenson
While much attention is paid by Asia-Pacific
nations to the maritime, land and air domains,
there is a push to develop space capabilities
across the region. These efforts are
manifesting themselves into a regional ‘space
race’ between rival nations.



his space race reflects a similar
one played out during the Cold
War between the US and Soviet
Union that began in the 1950s
and aimed to showcase national
prowess and technological ingenuity
via increasingly ambitious space-based
goals, arguably culminating in the US’
Apollo programme which saw that
country send astronauts to the moon
between 1969 and 1972. While the Cold
War is now over, space exploration and
supremacy remain key aims for both

Space is important to nations
across the Asia-Pacific for a range
of reasons, including economic
advancement, sovereignty and
national defence, with capabilities
varying between different regional
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