Athletes and Floating
Float Therapy (REST - Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy/
Technique) has been used in the sporting world with great success since
the early 1980’s. Some of the professional sports teams utilizing floatation
therapy include, the Philadelphia Eagles, the Philadelphia Phillies, and
the Dallas Cowboys. In addition to these major sport franchises various
athletes such as Steph Curry, Carl Lewis, Jade Johnson and Tasha Danvers
have all used float therapy to improve their athletic performance.
Research suggests that float therapy boosts an athlete’s performance in
multiple ways:
- Control over the negative effects of stress
- Elevation of mental training
- Decreased recovery time after demanding workouts or injuries
- Reduced production of lactate
- Sports Performance Improvement and Mental Training Visualization
- Injury prevention
- Pain reduction
In a float pod gravity isn’t a factor. The complete relaxation that it pro-
vides, gives all the muscles the much needed break they desire. The ben-
efits are truly impressive. Inside the pod every single muscle in the body
gets the rest it needs and the time to recover.
Epsom salts are made of magnesium and sulfate. These are muscle
relaxants and protein builders for your joints. Not only can you truly de-
compress in the float pod but you absorb the minerals directly into your
muscles allowing you to be noticeably less tense as soon as you get out.