YEG Fitness - July August 2017

(Ben Green) #1


mobilize • stabilize • optimize

Like a caged beast breaking free from its shackles, the YEG runner is ready to tear up the
river valley trails, sets of stairs and organized races throughout the city. There is no shortage
of excitement and enthusiasm when the snow melts and running season kicks into high gear.
However, it is important to remember you have to control the beast inside and train smart.
Injuries such as plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral pain syndrome (runners knee) and Achilles
tendinitis are lurking in the weeds to bring your enthusiasm to a quick halt! At Optimize
Physiotherapy we see running injuries all the time. Do you think we start rehabbing these
injuries with running? Of course not! We always focus on mobility and sorting out muscle
imbalances with accessory strength work. If you want to stay injury free you have to get on this
proactively! Trust us, maybe not right away, maybe not even this year but if you neglect it then
it’s only a matter of time before the running shoes are thrown in the closet and you’re ripping
through your benefits at an awesome physio clinic like Optimize Physiotherapy. Try these 3
exercises to help with stability before your run and on days off. Repetition builds habit!

Hey you...

Y EG runner!

(1) Lateral Monster Walks
With a band around your knees start with feet
shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward, knees
slightly bent, keep your core tight and step to the side.
10-20 reps in each direction.

(2) Russian Step Up
Using a box or step 15-25 inches (depending on
your height) step up onto the box, making sure to
keep your core tight and your pelvis square to the
front. As you step up drive your opposite knee up
and maintain balance and control.
10-20 reps per leg.

(3) Single Leg Glut Bridge
Laying on your back with your knees bent, have one
foot flat on the ground and the other leg straight out.
Raise your hips so that you are in full extension.
In the finish position you should create a straight
line from your shoulder to your knee.
Hold for 3 seconds and alternate legs.
10-20 reps per leg.
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