OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

om travel

on the




verybody loves to travel: the
romance of reaching some far,
exotic location, then rolling
out your mat out when you get
there...even if that’s just to shake
off the stiffness after a few hours flying in
the air. Yep, travel is still exciting, but you
could argue that the budget airlines (not to

mention modern airports and high stress
security lines) have taken some of the gloss
off the glamour. It’s true they’ve made the
world a more accessible place, but perhaps
the old school notion of travel – where
every trip was an adventure – has been lost
somewhere along the way.
That feeling returns, however, when you

Sailing in style: enjoying yoga and the way of wellness on board a

modern cruise liner in the Mediterranean Sea
travel by sea. Whether you’re on a luxury
yacht, or taking a short trip up the canal,
there’s something quite magical about
life on the water. And when it comes to
international travel, a modern day cruise
ship can certainly get you around in style. It’s
also a place where you can experience the
high life and stick with your yoga and fitness

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