OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

om body om body

Our lifestyle may impact our experience

of the menopause, but how do we know

what to do when we are all so different and

unique? Here are some general tips and

advice for dealing with the menopause


very woman’s experience of the
menopause is different, says
Norma Goldman, founder and
director of The Menopause
Exchange, an independent
body set up in 1999 to provide impartial
advice on the subject.
But learning from others’ experiences
can be a valuable way of finding a
better path through this difficult time,
she says.
“Learning about others’ experiences,
and what worked for them, may help you
ease your own menopause symptoms
more easily,” she says. “You won’t know if
something’s going to work for you unless
you try it.”
So, here are some tips from its members
covering a wide range of areas, from diet

All good


and exercise, through to hobbies and
complementary therapies.

“I do yoga every day to keep flexible. I use
weights to maintain bone strength, and I
walk where possible rather than taking the
car, London Underground train or escalator.
Staying slim and keeping moving does it for
me at the moment. Until I move into the
next phase...”
“I captain a ladies’ tennis team and we
play every Saturday. It helps my mood
swings and is obviously good for fitness.
Sometimes I don’t feel like playing, but I
don’t want to let my team down. I make
myself go and then my mood lifts. I would
highly recommend taking up a sport.”
“I dance salsa almost four to five times a

week. This has kept me human through the
tough time of my peri-menopause.”

“I’ve found chocolate makes my flushes
really bad, so I only have a little occasionally.
A hardship for me as I’m a chocoholic! I also
find eating badly (chips, bread, very sweet
foods) causes flushing.”
“For the last four years, I haven’t eaten
wheat or anything that’s refined or white
(including refined sugar). And I stopped
drinking wine! I do drink distilled spirits in
moderation though, such as gin and soda,
with fresh lime or as a mojito, made with
pineapple juice rather than sugar syrup, so I
don’t deny myself a drink if I fancy one.”
“I feel Slimming World has it nailed
with regards to getting all the right fruit,

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