OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

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vegetables and fibre. They have unlimited
healthy option foods. I feel my appetite has
increased, so it’s good to know I can eat
them and not gain weight. Now I have no
periods, I am worried about other health
implications. Slimming World has a special
section on cheeses and milks, so you can
make sure you get enough calcium from
dairy products. I know the group leader
is also aware of the changes that the
menopause can have on your diet and is
very supportive.”
“More water is key, as I often feel
dehydrated after a night sweat. I drink water
through the day.”
“When having a hot flush, I eat grapes
out of the fridge. This soothes me while I’m
feeling overheated.”
“I’m a big advocate of eating a variety

of seeds each day, including sesame,
sunflower, pumpkin and flaxseeds. I mix
these into my porridge in the mornings.”
“I have found drinking coffee increases my
night sweats and flushes, so I only indulge in
it occasionally.”

“I try to meditate every day in the early
evenings to help me. I also listen to Tai
Chi music and other relaxing and calming
“I am a yoga teacher and massage
therapist and have found a technique that
I use in my yoga practice to be very helpful
when I get hot flushes. When we feel the
beginnings of a hot flush, it’s difficult not
to feel anxious. The brain is confused as it
can’t regulate our internal temperature. But
if we regulate our breathing, this sends a
message to the brain that it’s under control.
At the first sign of a flush, count to four
when breathing in and count to four again
when breathing out. Make both parts of your
breathing last for the same length of time.
This is more effective if you regulate the
amount of air you exhale and inhale each
time you take a breath so your breathing
remains smooth and constant.”

“I started having acupuncture at the
beginning of the year. I have to say that my
flushes have drastically reduced along with
my mood swings.”

“I’m pre-menopausal and have been taking
black cohosh for a while. It really helps me
keep my mood swings under control, although
my husband would probably disagree!”
“My local pharmacist suggested Promensil
tablets (which contain plant oestrogens) to
help my hot flushes and these are certainly
now less severe and less frequent.”
“Since I’ve been taking Menopace night
tablets, I haven’t been waking up so often in
the night with sweats.”

“I’ve found gardening has really helped with
my many symptoms. Being outside and
pottering around helps to distract me and
helps with low moods as well.”

The Menopause Exchange was established
in 1999 and provides impartial, easily
understood information to women
and healthcare professionals on all
things relating to the menopause. Visit:
Free download pdf