OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1


till think you’re too tough for yoga? Think again. Yoga is the
complete workout for mind, body and soul, and there’s plenty
of evidence out there to support that. And yet not all are
convinced. There are still plenty of alpha males out there who
think that yoga is a ‘girl’s sport’. It’s true yoga may not be for
everyone, but there are so many different styles out there nowadays
there’s a fair chance something will appeal, even to the meanest
dudes out there. We don’t yet have gun toting, lion taming yoga for
hedonistic hell raisers, but in the meantime try one of these styles.


Yoga for the Bro’s! Broga (from combining Bro’ and Yoga...get
it?) is a style that was designed specifically with men in mind.
A yoga class geared for the guys (where, in fact, women are
usually welcome too) that’s strong, energetic and challenging, it will
give you a decent workout just like you’d get at the gym - only better!
Expect a high energy session that will strengthen and tone your body
in new ways, but also leave you feeling more flexible than ever before.
Great also for sports performance improvement. It’s also very inclusive
too, so although initially aimed at enticing more men onto the mat, it’s
open to all, and for every ‘body’, from total beginners to experienced
practitioners. The idea originates from the USA but Broga is now
seen all over the world, including across the UK. Find out more at:


Boxing yoga
If you’re nervous about stepping into a yoga studio,
but think that it’s okay (as in, macho enough) to be in a
boxing gym, then this one will appeal to you. BoxingYoga
( is a hybrid style of yoga that incorporates some
of the moves you might see in a boxing ring. The main difference
is that there’s no opponent (no sparring partner, not even a punch
bag) and you’re not going to get bopped on the nose. The idea was
first conceived by Matt Garcia at his North London boxing club, Total
Boxer, a place where real fighters train. Described as a powerful yoga-
based training system, it’s popular with boxers looking to improve their
flexibility and general body fitness outside the ring. And it’s an ideal
way in for all you guys looking to get started in the world of yoga.


Beer Yoga
What could be more macho than drinking beer? Erm, doing
yoga with beer. That’s right, it’s now possible to combine
these two worthwhile leisure pursuits all in one go. The idea
originates from Germany (a country that knows a thing or two about
beer) but is now proving popular across the world, including here in
the UK. More classes are now cropping up in London and elsewhere
and the venues can be pretty creative, such as old breweries. Yoga
instructor Aminta Gagnon recently taught Hertfordshire’s first ever
Outdoor Beer Yoga at Hitchin Lavender Fields. “Being outside is so
beneficial for your yoga practice.” she says. “Students are loving the
classes and the tickets are selling fast!” It’s a great idea for the warm
summer months, and a novel way to quench your thirst after a yoga
class instead of the usual coconut water. Plus it might just save you
from that trip down the pub afterwards and spoiling all the good work
you’ve just put in on the mat.

“There are still plenty of alpha
males out there who think that
yoga is a ‘girl’s sport’.”



Yoga for athletes
Guys, if anyone calls you an ‘athlete’, you’re not going to
complain, right? Well, this is definitely one for you then! You
could argue that all yoga styles are suitable for athletes:
whatever sport you’re into – running, soccer, surfing – pretty much
any time you spend on that mat will either stretch you out or soothe
your soul. One person who knows more about this area than most
is Sarah Ramsden ( who teaches the first teams
at Manchester City and Manchester United football clubs. Perhaps
her most esteemed student is former United legend Ryan Giggs, who
kept playing at the highest level in the Premier League into his forties.
According to Ramsden, yoga can help sports people (both boys and
girls) improve flexibility, balance, stability, focus, mindful awareness
and even help with their relaxation. And, using Giggs as an example,
yoga can help you go on doing what you love for longer. Look, if it
works for Giggsy, then surely it’s good enough for you?


Tequila rave
Yep, we know, those words ‘tequila’ and ‘rave’ got your
attention. This unique idea comes from tattooed yoga
legend David Sye, the founder of Yogabeats
( It’s also been showcased at the OM Yoga Show
in London. Sye is an expert in bringing people together through his
Yogabeats brand. The yogi master has used yoga (usually not with the
tequila part) through the years to foster peace among communities
in troubled areas, from the UK’s impoverished inner cities to divided
parts of the Middle East. The idea behind the Tequila Raves is simple,
he says: “A shot of tequila eliminates the linear left brained mind and
allows the practitioner to intimately experience the exquisite nature of
their deeper physical form free from the tyranny of thought.” Tequila,
he adds, is known as ‘the nectar of the gods’ and for good reason...
it has been used for centuries as a ritual beverage and ceremonial
offering. But it’s not just about tequila. Couple this with the huge
benefits of a Yogabeats session on the mat and you’re looking at a
yoga experience that will rock your world. Be wild, be spontaneous, be
happy, be free!
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