OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1


Just a year after launch, Total Chi has become an established
name on Marylebone’s fitness scene with a unique, intimate
and welcoming atmosphere. A luxury urban retreat, located
on Baker Street, opposite Regent’s Park, the studio design
encompasses state-of-the-art mood lighting, integrated sound
systems and underfloor heating to adapt to the dynamism of
each class. Nice extra luxuries such as a complimentary towel
service, Total Chi water and all your grooming necessities
from Malin and Goetz, plus a cool juice bar and zen garden.

“Ground yourself on the peace of the
present. In life, especially in London, there
is nothing more valuable than giving yourself
time to stand your ground in the moment
and just release those pressures. They’ll
be back, but let them go and take
control again.”
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