OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

“Balance doesn’t have to be found on
the mat. Always come back to your breath. Allow
yourself time during your busy day (even if only a few
minutes) to focus on something present like your breath.
Just the simple process of breathing in and out slowly for a
few minutes and remembering to hold it for a second or
two after each inhale and exhale will help you gain
control and ground you to the present moment

  • and there is nothing more refreshing
    than that”

bhuti is a Sanskrit word.
There isn’t really a direct translation.

It’s that feeling when you feel most like...
you. When the world feels like a bike that you’re riding,
not a bus that you’re chasing.

You know when you hear that little voice in your head
saying ‘you should do this more often’?
That’s bhuti talking.

It’s a glow you get, a freshness you feel, a lightness that
lifts you, a breath that grounds you. We’re here to help
remove the unnecessary, so you can find, feed and
focus on your inner bhuti.

Yo g a • Organic café • Treatments
50 Hill Rise TW10 6UB Richmond | 0330 400 3108 | [email protected]
bhutilondon @bhutilondon bhutilondon
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