Competitor - August 2017

(Barry) #1


photos: oliver baker


Bands foR

By Mackenzie L. Havey

Resistance bands are among
the easiest and cheapest
ways to get in a strength
workout. Not only is the
elastic tubing inexpensive,
it’s easy to throw in your
car or pack when you travel
and can be used just about
What’s more, research has
shown that resistance-band
workouts are comparable to
traditional weight training
in terms of both boosting
muscle strength and zap-
ping body fat. In fact, they
can allow you to better tar-
get certain muscle groups
above and beyond what you
could do with free weights.
This comes in handy for not
only improving strength,
but also addressing injury
rehab and prevention.
This workout is tailor-
made for runners who are
looking to improve mus-
cle- and connective-tissue
strength and combat injury.

Perform this
2–3 times
twice a week.

use a flat and
thin Band:

lateral Band Walk
place the looped band around your ankles,
and stand with your feet shoulder-width
apart and your knees slightly bent. With your
left foot planted, step your right foot to the
right until the band is fairly tight. be sure to
keep your feet parallel to one another when
you plant the right foot. then move the left
foot toward the right to return to the original
position. repeat 10 steps in one direction
and 10 in the opposite direction.

hip adduction
loop the band
around something
stable and low to
the ground. stand
to the right of the
post and put the
band around your
left ankle. slowly
sweep your left
foot across your
body until the
band provides
a good amount
of resistance.
bring your leg
back across your
body and repeat
10 times before
switching sides.

ankle dorsiflexion
loop the band around some-
thing stable. sit on the floor with
your right leg extended in front
of your body and your left leg
bent with that foot flat on the
ground. place the band around
your right foot and pull your
toes back toward your body
and then return to the original
position in a pumping motion.
repeat 15 times on each side.

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