AsiaSpa - July-August 2017

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greenery of parks has been shown to make a
significant difference, with experts discussing
its sustained effect on well-being.
So what is the verdict? Any form of
exercise, high- or low-impact, is likely to
leave you feeling brighter and more positive.
Based on the evidence a combination of
cardio, yoga, group workouts and exercising
outdoors would appear to be the ultimate
combination, but the most important thing to
keep in mind? As Barlow says: “Exercise has
to be something you enjoy and look forward
to. Listen to your body. Give your body yoga
when it needs yoga, and give it a pumping
exercise class when it craves it! Be kind to
your body and it will love you in return.”

July/August 2017 AsiaSpa 81

“Exercise has to be

something you enjoy

and look forward to.

Listen to your body”

~ Helen Barlow


“I try to walk as much as possible between
clients and classes,” says Barlow. “This
helps keep my activity levels high without
the extra stress on my body. I encourage my
clients to add daily walks into their routine.
As much as I love aerobic workouts, my
body doesn’t respond well to too much
stress. Ultimately, all movement and
exercise is beneficial.”
There’s logic behind Barlow’s suggestions.
It might not typically be classified a ‘workout’,
but walking has been scientifically shown to
improve feelings of health and happiness.
Research links an active commute to a greater

sense of wellness, particularly compared to
those who opt for car or public transport,
and was even found to enhance your frame
of mind once a change of routine was
established. Your choice of location can also
have an impact. For those living in urban
areas, getting outside and exercising in the
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