
(WallPaper) #1 Research Team and Platform

The 20th century witnessed the rapid development of modern science and major

reforms of research production. Different disciplines of sciences are mutually

interacted, permeated and integrated, resulting into the so-called mega science with

complex structures (Xie and Liu 2006 ). The organization of science production also

changes fundamentally, from the traditional way featured by explorations done by a

few all-powerful individual researchers or small teams, to the modern way featured

by research project conducted by the highly specialized research team consisted of a

group of researchers (Stvilia et al. 2011 ). Based on the data analysis of 19.9 million

published papers and 2.1 million patents infive decades, Wuchty et al. ( 2007 )

found that in thefield of knowledge production, team production worked better than

individual production. Compared with individual researcher, research team could

produce outcomes with much more citations, and this phenomenon became more

prominent as time passed by. Team-based collaboration has become a popular

mode of research production, and scientific research has turned from individual

activities to teamwork, and team production has become dominant in research

production (Stvilia et al. 2011 ). Besides, research team has also become an effective

mode for organizing human resources and soon become the center of research

Concerning the current status of constructions on the research teams and plat-

forms in China, the governments pay much more attention. In 1999, The Fund for

National Innovation Research Group (Guojia Chuangxin Yanjiu Qunti) was

established by China National Natural Sciences Foundation. In 2002, Five min-

istries including China Ministry of Science and Technology, China Ministry of

Education, etc., jointly enacted the“Guideline on Further Improving Original

Innovation Capacities”(Guanyu Jinyibu Zengqiang Yuanshi Chuangxin Nengli De

Yijian), which pointed out that“it’s encourage to recruit excellent research teams of

scientists, to foster a group of high-level research teams of excellent scientists, and

to place the task of nurturing and fostering cooperative and effective top research

team high on the agenda”. In 2004, China Ministry of Education enacted“Active

Planning of High-level Creative Talents in Higher Education”(Gaodeng Xuexiao

Gaocengci Chuangxin Rencai Jihua Shishi Fangan), which pointed out that“pos-

itively explore new modes of organizing talents by supporting them with National

Key disciplines, innovation platforms and key research bases, and by placing dis-

ciplinary leaders at the center with academic teams gathering around key research

projects, in order to foster a group of innovation teams, and at the same time, make

all efforts to implement the Development Programs for Cheung Kong Scholars and

Innovation Groups”. In 2006,“State Council’s Announcement on Implementing the

Mid-and-long Term S&T development Guideline”(Guowuyuan Guanyu Shishi

Guojia Zhongchagnqi Kexue He Jishu Fazhan Guihua Gangyao (2006–2010)

Ruogan Peitao Zhengce De Tongzhi), a national policy claimed that,“to focus on

nurturing a group of high-level disciplinary leaders with strong innovation capacity,

and to form excellent innovation teams and groups with Chinese features”. At the
same time, many local governments also set up various policies to support local

6.1 Analytic Framework of Factors Impacting... 265

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