68 | August• 2017
IF YOU WERElike most kids, your
mother told you there were three no-
noes when it came to your fingers:
Don’t put them in a power point,
don’t stick them up your nose (at least
not in public), and don’t use them
when you’re counting. The first two
laws of finger dynamics are as true
as ever. But experts in education and
cognition now believe that using your
fingers to do maths is not only a per-
fectly good idea but may even help
children become superior students.
It certainly makes sense. When chil-
dren count on their fingers, they take
an abstract concept – mathematics –
and translate it into the most basic,
tangible form. In fact, neurobiologists
believe that the brain is hard-wired to
‘see’ a representation of our fingers
even when we aren’t literally count-
ing on them.
There is a section of the brain,
called the somatosensory finger
Educators say
that kids who
do maths on
their hands are
the opposite
of stupid
Let Your
Fingers Do
the Counting BY MARC PEYSER