Culture and Communication in Thailand (Communication, Culture and Change in Asia)

(Michael S) #1

Chapter 3

Violence Against Thai Females

Abstract This chapter discusses violence against females from a Thai historical
perspective. The Thai hierarchical worldview, especially toward females, will be
explained. Rape, domestic violence, verbal abuse, spiritual violence, sexual
harassment, bullying, trafficking, child pornography, etc., which are the symbolic
representations of violence against female rights, will be analyzed. The highlight of
this chapter is the discussion about portrayals of violence against females in the
mass media.

3.1 Introduction.........................................

Violence against women is a common phenomenon in many countries. It is esti-
mated that 35% of women worldwide have experienced some sort of violence. This
could be dating violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, emotional abuse,
human trafficking, same-sex relationship violence, sexual assault and abuse,
stalking, violence against immigrant and refugee women, violence against women
at work, and violence against women with disabilities ( 2015 ).
To elaborate, the Website ( 2015 ) gives detailed information of
all sorts of violence that can be summarized as follows:

Dating violence against women happens when a female experiences the following
from her date: physical abuse such as hitting, shoving, kicking, biting, or throwing
things; emotional abuse such as yelling, name-calling, bullying, embarrassing,
keeping one away from one’s friends, saying one deserves the abuse, or giving gifts
to make up for the abuse; sexual abuse such as doing something sexual without her
consent in sobriety.
Domestic violence against women is when a male in a relationship commits
physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to the woman who is in a relationship with

©Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017
P. Malikhao,Culture and Communication in Thailand, Communication,
Culture and Change in Asia 3, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4125-9_3

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