A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

41 Research and the Undermining of Teacher Education........... 609
Richard Pring

42 The Role of Comparative and International Research
in Developing Capacity to Study and Improve Teacher
Education............................................... 621
Maria Teresa Tatto

43 The Place of Research in Teacher Education? An Analysis
of the Australian Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory
Group ReportAction Now: Classroom Ready Teachers .......... 637
Martin Mills and Merrilyn Goos

44 Educating the Educators: Policies and Initiatives
in European Teacher Education............................. 651
Jean Murray, Mieke Lunenberg and Kari Smith

45 Making Connections in the UK and Australia—Research,
Teacher Education and Educational Improvement.............. 667
Ian Menter

Part VII Pedagogy in Action

46 ‘If I Could Not Make a Difference Why Would I Be
a Teacher?’Teaching English as an Additional Language
and the Quest for Social Justice............................. 681
Ghazala Bhatti and Gail McEachron

47 Imperatives for Teacher Education: Findings from Studies
of Effective Teaching for English Language Learners........... 697
Alison L. Bailey and Margaret Heritage

48 University Coursework and School Experience: The Challenge
to Amalgamate Learning.................................. 713
Allie Clemans, John Loughran and Justen O’Connor

49 Co-configuring Design Elements and Quality Aspects
in Teacher Education: A Research Agenda.................... 725
Jon Magne Vestøl and Andreas Lund

50 Theorising Teacher Practice with Technology: Implications
for Teacher Education Research............................ 741
Julianne Lynch

51 Capturing Science PCK Through Students’Experiences......... 753
Pernilla Nilsson

Contents xiii

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