A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

9.5.2 Influence of Work as a Classroom Teacher

Another key turning point for the LTEs was their work as classroom teachers.
When asked if they model their work as teacher educators on their work as a
classroom teacher 23 responded yes, but all noted they used a different pedagogy.
However, for the most part they had the same priorities as teacher educators that
they had had as classroom teachers. As a classroom teacher, Giovanni (US) worked
in schools with high immigrant populations. He continued his work with this
population as an LTE so far as to involve his student teachers in a church-based
community outreach program for immigrants. Drama and storytelling were central
to the classroom teaching work of Jane and Lance (both from Canada) and was an
emphasis in their literacy methods courses. Lance (Canada) organized a trip to a
local theatre production for his student teachers while storytelling was central to
Jane’s pedagogy. The continuity of priorities allowed the LTEs to provide many
relevant classroom-based examples (from their own practice) thus giving their
courses in higher education authenticity.

9.6 Influence of Research

Not surprisingly, the LTEs’research was very influential in determining the goals
for their courses and, to a degree, their pedagogies. By running queries through
NVivo a direct link between the topics of the LTEs’research and goals for their
courses was identified. Sharon’s (Canada) research on adolescents’writing led to
the writing process as the focus of her course. Her student teachers were required to
go through the entire writing process from conception of a piece of writing to the
completed piece of work (one third of course hours were devoted to the writing
process). Amelia and Jessie (both from Canada) who both currently research the use
of digital technology in schools had multiliteracies as the framework their courses.
Jessie (Canada) had student teachers tutor a child using iPads, while Amelia had
student teachers complete an assignment focused on technology. Both shared
examples of their research (raw data) with their student teachers. Stella’s (England)

Early life

Priorities as
a classroom


Fig. 9.3 Influences on

142 C. Kosnik et al.

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