A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

natural abilities. So in that respect, we can see a connection between the different
concepts. Nonetheless,‘utbildning’and‘utdanning’are primarily concerned with
that which happen within a formally organized institution, either the school, the
university or the university college. That which happens outside of such institu-
tions; or, that which happens informally in daily life, is more or less neglected.
Henceforth, we shall investigate the concept of educational sciences. We wish to
do so by way of four points. First, we view the concept of utbildningsvetenskap/
utdanninsgvetenskap in relation to the educational system. Second, we ask which
discipline(s) is/are the most relevant when it comes to utbildningsvetenskap/
utdanninsgvetenskap. Third, we ask what has happened to the discipline pedagogik
(Swedish)/pedagogikk (Norwegian) within utbildningsvetenskap/utdanninsg-
vetenskap? Finally, we take a look at the concept of time in relation to

12.2 A Science of the System Itself

The first point can be described thus: Utbildnings-vetenskap in Swedish and
Utdannings-vitenskap in Norwegian, both connote to an educational system, that is,
utbildning/utdanning as an administrative body, a set of rules and regulations, a
particular institution in society. So, if utbildning/utdanning means the system itself,
then to add science to it means that what is required is a science of the system itself.
What becomes‘natural’ educational issues within such an understanding are
questions of how to‘steer’the system, its history and social and political forma-
tions, how knowledge are represented by the system and what is learnt within the
confines of the system.
A problem with such an understanding is that utbildningsvetenskap/
utdanninsgvitenskap becomes normative in its entirety. That is a social system as
the educational system is an institution in society which means that it cannot be in
the hands of researchers and scientists—it is rather a system for reproducing the
state, to form a certain public, for socialization, professionalization, etc., that is for
making labour and distributing labour in the society. It is in any case a basic
system/institution in society for which politics is absolutely necessary. It is simply
not possible to separate the‘educational system’from its political underpinnings—
it is not possible to think an educational system outside a particular society. An
educational system outside politics is an anomaly. It is therefore not possible to
separate‘the system’from its political normative functions in society—it is satu-
rated with values, norms and interests. It is nothing else than those norms, interests,
values formulated in administrative, bureaucratic language, in rules and regulations,
in gestures as well as buildings.
If‘science’is to take place within such a context, then there is no base from
which science can perform its critical task, which is not already deeply involved in
those interests, values and norms. The science itselfisthe science of the system of
values norms and values making up the system of utbildnings/utdanning.

180 C.A. Säfström and H. Saeverot

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