A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

12.6 Conclusion

We have argued in conclusion that the struggle over teacher education in politics as
well as research has caused damage to not only the discipline of pedagogik(k), but
maybe more seriously the possibility to produce knowledge concerning teacher
education that actually has anything to do with education. The situation we are in is
that the system of education has taken precedence over the entirefield of educa-
tional research through utbildningsvetenskap/utdanningsvitenskap, depriving the
field of educational knowledge that is not already normatively attached to the
system as such. There is an obvious risk that what we get instead of pedagogik(k)
research based on traditions of educational thought and research is a serious
de-scientification of educational knowledge as such, coupled with a scientification
of politics as the basis for knowledge production within teacher education in
Sweden and Norway. That will do no good in any PISA evaluation, and maybe
worse, it would not give us any extra points when it comes to democracy either.
Andfinally, it certainly will do no good in educating teachers who know their trade.


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190 C.A. Säfström and H. Saeverot

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