A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

Roberts, N., & Foster, D. (2015).Initial teacher training in England.Briefing Paper No. 6710, 7
July. London: House of Commons Library.
UTRU. (2015).Clinically oriented teacher preparation. Chicago, IL: Urban Teacher Residency
Whitty, G. (1991).Next in line for the treatment? Education reform and teacher education in the
1990s. London: Goldsmiths College.
Whitty, G. (2000). Teacher professionalism in new times.Journal of In-Service Education, 26(2),
281 – 295.
Whitty, G. (2014). Recent developments in teacher training and their consequences for the
‘University Project’in education.Oxford Review of Education, 40(4), 466–481.

Author Biography

Geoff Whittytaught in schools before working in teacher education in universities. He joined the
Institute of Education in London in 1992, serving as its Director between 2000 and 2010. He now
holds a Global Innovation Chair at the University of Newcastle, Australia and a Research
Professorship at Bath Spa University, UK.

25 The Marketization of Teacher Education: Threat or Opportunity? 383

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