A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

towards the future for the very reason that each educational situation, each moment
in the practice of education in which judgement is called for, is in some respect
radically new and radically unique. If we recognise this as being at the very heart of
educational processes and practices then, so I wish to conclude, we need teacher
education that is neither orientated towards evidence, nor towards competence, but
towards the promotion of educational wisdom.

Acknowledgements This text is based on my keynote presentation at the“2020 The Future of
Teacher Education”conference, Vienna, 3–4 March 2011. I would like to thank the organisers of
the conference for the invitation to share my ideas, and the audience for questions and insightful
feedback that has helped me to develop my ideas further. A version of the presentation was
published in 2012 in the open access journalResearch on Steiner Education 3(1), 8–21.


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452 G. Biesta

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