A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

are teaching in high need schools; 90% of the graduates continue as public school
teachers beyond two years; and the programme graduates one of the largest pools of
chemistry teachers in the country (top 2% of universities nationally). Moreover,
teachHOUSTON’s graduates reflect the diversity of the University of Houston
(37% Hispanic, 31% White, 19% Asian, and 13% African American) as compared
to the cumulative U.S. teacher population (Boser 2014 ) (Fig.30.3).
This is essential because students’ academic achievement improves when
minority teachers serve as role models for underrepresented students. The
teachHOUSTONprogramme combines undergraduate degrees in science, computer
science, or mathematics with learning how to teach (pedagogy),field-based training
(practicums), and teacher certification. Key components of the program include

  • Strong collaborationbetween the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
    and the College of Education to ensure the highest quality preparation both in
    subject matter and teaching skills. Preservice teachers receive their major in
    mathematics or science and their capstone (similar to a minor) along with their
    teacher certification with the teachHOUSTON programme that is housed in the
    College of Education.

  • Active recruitmentof science and mathematics majors early in their academic
    careers to take the two initialteachHOUSTONcourses, STEP 1 and STEP 2.
    Students are immediately afforded the opportunity to try out teaching in public
    schools where they are placed with mentor teachers who are experts in their

  • Early and intensivefield experiencesthroughout the programme, including the
    opportunity for students to teach lessons as early as theirfirst semester, and
    become increasingly comfortable with teaching in a variety of school environ-
    ments as they advance through the programme. Preservice teachers begin

Fig. 30.3 Racial composition ofteachHOUSTONgraduates compared to the American teaching

30 Attracting, Preparing, and Retaining Teachers in High Need Areas... 461

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