A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1
teaching upper elementary students in theirfirstfield-based course and work
with middle school students in their secondfield-based course. The third and
fourth courses have a high schoolfield experience followed by a semester-long
experience of student teaching (ST) which is typically at the high school level.

  • Master Teachers with extensive teaching and leadership experience in the
    public schools work at the University of Houston alongside students in the
    programme. The master teachers teach and coordinatefield experiences asso-
    ciated with theteachHOUSTONprogramme. They work with students as they
    progress through the program and graduate, and then continue to work with
    them as new teachers for up to three years after they start full-time employment.

  • Mentor Teacherscurrently teaching in public schools that work closely with
    teachHOUSTONstudents during theirfield experiences. Preservice teachers
    observe mathematics and science teachers who are highly recommended by their
    administrators. Additionally, mentor teachers work with preservice teachers to
    develop and teach two or three inquiry-based lessons during the semester for the
    four field-based courses that occur prior to the entire semester of student
    teaching. Constructive feedback is provided by the mentor teachers subsequent
    to each teaching experience

  • Faculty membersat UH who are actively engaged in research in mathematics
    and science, as well as the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
    They focus on developing deep-level understanding of the subject area material
    and incorporating effective teaching approaches with a strong emphasis on the
    integration of technology.

  • Appealing student benefitsto encourage enrollment and retention, including
    paid internships that offer opportunities for education-oriented community
    outreach including summer STEM camps as well as scholarships limited to
    those in the teachHOUSTONprogram. The National Science Foundation
    Robert Noyce Scholarship and Internship program offers both internships and
    scholarships for preservice teachers. The Noyce Scholarship program provides
    junior and senior level physics and chemistry majors and minors, and
    post-baccalaureate students seeking teacher certification in physics or chemistry
    with $12,000/year Noyce scholarship. Students are eligible to apply for the
    scholarship for up to two years. All students accepting a Noyce scholarship are
    required to sign a contract that requires them to teach for two years in a
    high-needs school district for every year of scholarship support after graduation
    (certification for the post-baccalaureate scholars).

  • Informal experiencesto better prepare teachers to be effective in high need
    schools and provide opportunities for students to build skills and increase
    self-efficacy as educators. Overall teacher self-efficacy is increased through
    exposure to multiple forms of formal and informal teaching experiences and
    teacher-efficacy has been correlated to student achievement outcomes as well as
    to student self-efficacy. The Noyce summer internship program is a 6-week
    experience designed for incoming freshmen and sophomore mathematics and
    science majors who are interested in the teacher certification plan, but who are
    not yet eligible for the Noyce scholarship program. During this experience, 12

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