A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

order to mind the conditions of the communicative situation that surrounds the
multidisciplinary research process, and what Gadamer refers to as the complex
‘fusion’of horizons that may occur through it.

36.5 Conclusion

Asking well-developed questions, challenging assumptions, making substantive
and conceptual contributions, and minding communicative conditions and the wider
frames for cross-disciplinary interaction are, of course, roles shared among different
participants to a multidisciplinary research project. While the tools and questions of
philosophy are“no privileged possession” of a particular section of academia
(Floden and Buchmann 1990 ), philosophers are well-placed to take up such roles,
in ways that connect fruitfully and critically with historical traditions of philo-
sophical inquiry, and proceed with the rigour that a philosophical endeavour


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36 On the Role of Philosophical Work in Research in Teacher... 553

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