A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

38.3 Approach Taken

In identifying studies/articles for analysis in this chapter, a literature search was
conducted using the search terms“policy”,“teacher education”and‘Scotland”,
restricting publication dates to post-2010, and searching in peer-reviewed academic
journals. This resulted in ten articles being identified which met the criteria set:

  1. Gray, D. & Weir, D. (2014). Retaining public and political trust: teacher
    education in Scotland.Journal of Education for Teaching, 40(5), 569–587.

  2. Humes, W. (2014). Professional update and practitioner enquiry: Old wine in
    new bottles?Scottish Educational Review, 46(2), 54–72.

  3. Hulme, M. & Menter, I. (2011). South and North—Teacher education policy in
    England and Scotland: a comparative textual analysis. Scottish Educational
    Review, 43(2), 70–90.

  4. Kennedy, A., Barlow, W. & MacGregor, J. (2012).‘Advancing Professionalism
    in Teaching’? An exploration of the mobilisation of the concept of profession-
    alism in the McCormac Report on the Review of Teacher Employment in
    Scotland.Scottish Educational Review, 44(2), 3–13.

  5. Kennedy, A. & Doherty, R. (2012). Professionalism and partnership: Panaceas
    for teacher education in Scotland? Journal of Education Policy, 27(6),
    835 – 848.

  6. Menter, I. & Hulme, M. (2011). Teacher education reform in Scotland: national
    and global influences.Journal of Education for Teaching, 37(4), 387–397.

  7. Menter, I. & Hulme, M. (2012). Teacher education in Scotland—riding out the
    recession?Educational Research, 54(2), 149–160.

  8. O’Brien, J. (2011). Continuing professional development for Scottish teachers:
    tensions in policy and practice.Professional Development in Education, 37(5),
    777 – 792.

  9. Reeves, J. & Drew, V. (2012). Relays and relations: tracking a policy initiative
    for improving teacher professionalism.Journal of Education Policy, 27(6),
    711 – 730.

  10. Watson, C. & Fox, A. (2015). Professional reaccreditation: constructing edu-
    cational policy for career-long teacher professional learning. Journal of
    Education Policy, 30(1), 132–144.
    An analytical frame was devised to ensure consistent analysis of key features in
    each article. The frame included the following aspects:

  • Location of article, i.e. journal name

  • Particular policy focus under investigation

  • Motivation for/purpose of study

  • Funding of study

  • Methodological approach adopted

  • Theoretical frame employed

  • Anticipated/intended impact of study

572 A. Kennedy
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