A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

Tatto, M. T. (2001). The value and feasibility of evaluation research on teacher preparation:
Contrasting the experiences in Sri Lanka and Mexico.International Journal of Education and
Development, 22, 637 – 657.
Tatto, M. T. (2008). Teacher policy: A framework for comparative analysis.Prospects, 38,
487 – 508.
Tatto, M. T., Nielsen, H. D., Cummings, W. C., Kularatna, N. G., & Dharmadasa, D. H. (1991).
Comparing the effects and costs of different approaches for educating primary school teachers:
The case of Sri Lanka. BRIDGES research report series (10). Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard Institute for International Development.
Tatto, M. T., Nielsen, H. D., Cummings, W. C., Kularatna, N. G., & Dharmadasa, D. H. (1993).
Comparing the effectiveness and costs of different approaches for educating primary school
teachers in Sri Lanka.Teaching and Teacher Education, 9(1), 41–64.
Tatto, M. T., Schwille, J., Senk, S., Ingvarson, L., Peck, R., & Rowley, G. (2008).Teacher
education and development study in mathematics (TEDS-M): Conceptual framework. Teacher
Education and Development International Study Center, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, MI, and IEA.
Tatto, M. T., Schwille, J., Senk, S. L., Ingvarson, L., Rowley, G., Peck, R., et al. (2012).Policy,
practice, and readiness to teach primary and secondary mathematics in 17 countries. Findings
from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M).
Amsterdam: International Association for the Evaluation of Student Achievement.
Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Internal validity. InResearch methods knowledge base.http://www.
UNESCO. (1996). Learning: The treasure within. Retrieved fromhttp://unesdoc.unesco.org/
Von Glasersfeld, E. (1995).Radical constructivism: A way of knowing and learning. London:
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Vygotsky, L. S. (1986).Thought and language(A. Kozulin, Ed. and Trans.). Cambridge, MA:
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Weiss, C. (1972).Evaluation research: Methods of assessing program effectiveness. New Jersey:
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Author Biography

Maria Teresa Tattois the Southwest Borderlands Professor of Comparative Education at the
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, and Professor in the Division of Educational Leadership and
Innovation at Arizona State University. She is the principal investigator for the Teacher Education
and Development Study in Mathematics, and for the First Five Years of Mathematics Teaching
Study, both designed to explore the connections between pre-service preparation and what is
learned on the job during thefirst years of teaching. She is a former President of the Comparative
and International Education Society, and studies the effects of educational policy on school

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