A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

constitution, with the activities of knowing and practising tangled together and
shaping each other. The third is a relation of equivalence, such that practising is the
same as knowing in practice, whether the subject is aware of it or not. Gherardi
(2006, p. 39) goes on to outline four main reasons for adopting a practice-based
approach to learning and knowledge, which can be summarized as follows:

  • To go beyond problematic dualisms like mind/body, actor/structure, human/

  • To question the primacy of the actor and the individual action as the building
    blocks of social phenomena.

  • To see reason as a practice phenomenon and depict language as a discursive

  • To pay due attention to the materiality of the social world.


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680 Part VII: Pedagogy in Action

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