A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

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Author Biographies

Associate Professor Allie Clemanshas worked as the Director of Professional Experience in the
Faculty of Education at Monash University in Australia. This role involves the development of
professional partnerships to support the professional readiness of graduates. She has published in
the area of professional learning, lifelong learning and employability.

John Loughranis the Foundation Chair in Curriculum & Pedagogy and Dean of the Faculty of
Education, Monash University. John was the co-founding editor of Studying Teacher Education
and an Executive Editor for Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.

Dr. Justen O’Connorutilizes systems thinking, strengths-based approaches to explore curriculum
and pedagogy associated with health, physical education, sport and lifetime physical activity. Dr.
O’Connor has been involved in, and led research projects including: Sports without Borders;
Physical activity and wellness opportunities for children placed in care; and, re(connecting)
children to place through active travel.

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