A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

However, the students expressed how they experienced difficulties when one
concept has more than one name. Very often the teacher wants to meet students
learning difficulties through making them aware of several synonyms of one par-
ticular concept. However, in the video club one student expressed how he expe-
rienced this as confusing.

Student 1: It can be good to know that there are two words for the same concept but in the
same time it might be confusing if he (teacher) does not explain this explicitly.

In summary, the teachers way of making the reason about different phenomena
provided them with opportunities to exchange experiences, to share each other’s
ideas and to listen to each other’s explanations. Through their communication they
became more engaged both in terms of their learning of the science content and the
activities provided in the lesson.

51.6.4 Subject Matter Knowledge and Enthusiasm

for the Content

Seeing teaching and content as being in a dynamic relationship is certainly
indicative of understanding knowledge of practice through the lens of PCK. In
order to do that, a teacher needs to master the content in a way that also makes
him/her confident in providing metaphors and various explanations for the students.
All three groups of students emphasised the teachers’subject matter knowledge as
an important aspect for their learning of the content. In the discussions, all groups
noted that some teachers are more focused onhowto do things (e.g. group works,
discussions) and on the national tests, that on discussing the actual content (in this
case genetics). In their reflections, the students highlighted that this particular
teacher always had a strong focus on the content to be taught and they experienced
that he had good subject matter knowledge. In order to discuss with the students,
link the concepts to everyday experiences and provide accessible explanations the
teacher used his subject matter knowledge in a way that the students’experienced
as making them feel confident. However, two students (student 1 and 2) highlighted
the importance for the teacher not only to know about the content but also to be able
to keep the focus on the specific content to be learnt and not involve too many
issues at the same time.

Student 3: I just want to say one thing; it’s so good when the teacher knows the content in
such detail...then he can explain better and you just feel safe because you know that he
will be able to explain in many different ways...
Student 1: But in the same time, I think that sometimes he explains too much and involves
too many things so even though you as a teacher are aware of the content you still need to
be able to sort out those things that we must learn. Giving too much information can also be
a little bit messy.

51 Capturing Science PCK Through Students’Experiences 763

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