A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1


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Amnesia and déjàvu.Oxford Review of Education, 36, 345 – 361.
Priestley, M., & Minty, S. (2013). Curriculum for excellence:‘A brilliant idea, but’.Scottish
Educational Review, 45, 39 – 52.
Reeves, J., & Drew, V. (2012). Relays and relations: Tracking a policy initiative for improving
teacher professionalism.Journal of Education Policy, 27, 711 – 730.
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research theories and practices in local contexts.Educational Action Research, 17, 5 – 21.
Supovitz, J. A., & Weinbaum, E. H. (2008). Reform implementation revisited. In J. A. Supovitz &
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(pp. 1–21). New York: Teachers College Press.

782 M. Priestley and V. Drew

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