A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

8 The Strathclyde Literacy Clinic: Developing Student Teacher
Values, Knowledge and Identity as Inclusive Practitioners....... 121
Sue Ellis

9 You Teach Who You Are Until the Government Comes
to Class: A Study of 28 Literacy Teacher Educators
in Four Countries........................................ 135
Clare Kosnik, Lydia Menna, Pooja Dharamshi
and Clive Beck

10 Clinical Practice in Education: Towards a Conceptual
Framework............................................. 153
Jeana Kriewaldt, Larissa McLean Davies, Suzanne Rice,
Field Rickards and Daniela Acquaro

11 Initial Teacher Education in Ireland—A Case Study............ 167
Teresa O’Doherty and Judith Harford

12 Doing Harm to Educational Knowledge: The Struggle
over Teacher Education in Sweden and Norway............... 179
Carl Anders Säfström and Herner Saeverot

13 The Pre-service Education of Disability Pedagogues
in Norway: Maximising Social Pedagogic Ambition............. 193
Paul Stephens

Part III Teacher Education, Partnerships and Collaboration

14 Repositioning, Embodiment and the Experimental Space:
Refiguring Student–Teacher Partnerships in Teacher
Education............................................... 209
Helen Cahill and Julia Coffey

15 Redesigning Authentic Collaborative Practicum Partnerships:
Learnings from Case Studies from Two New Zealand
Universities............................................. 223
Beverley Cooper and Lexie Grudnoff

16 Researching the Intersection of Program Supervision
and Field Placements: Interactional Ethnographic
Telling Cases of Reflexive Decision-Making Process............. 237
Laurie Katz and Judith Green

17 Networked Teaching and Learning for Life-Long
Professional Development.................................. 253
Mandia Mentis and Alison Kearney

x Contents

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