
(John Hannent) #1
Another tiny monarchy, perched on the northern
shore of Borneo, Malaysia is – to give it its full name –
the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace. Brunei only
became independent from Britain in 1984, and it was
then that the current sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah, became
head of state.
However, the Brunei sultanate has its origins in
the late 14th century, so the 100 years in which the
country was a British Protectorate is seen as but a
temporary aberration.

The Abode of Peace

{ brunei }

above Sultan of Brunei
Hassanal Bolkiah during
an audience with Russian

right Emperor Akihito and
Empress Michiko in front of
the entrance to the imperial
residence called Gosho

This form of monarchy may
seem archaic, and would not
be tolerated in many other parts
of the world, but in Brunei it is
remarkably stable and effective

“There is no conflict between favouring Islamic and traditional
values and being more open and international”

  • Hassanal Bolkiah

Brunei is an absolute monarchy, with the sultan
having full executive authority, including emergency
powers. He is not only the head of state, but also the
prime minister, finance minister, and defence minister.
The sultan rules guided by a philosophy he calls Melayu
Islam Beraja (“Malay Islamic Monarchy”), which is a
blend of Malay customs and culture, Islamic law, and
the system of the monarchy. The sultan and his family
have a venerated status within Brunei.
This form of monarchy may seem archaic, and
would not be tolerated in many other parts of the
world, but in Brunei it is remarkably stable and
effective. Brunei is amongst the richest countries in
the world (including in per capita GDP), and public
debt is zero percent of the GDP. Economically, that’s
an enviable position to be in, and it’s made possible by
the country’s small population and high reserves of oil
and natural gas. The sultan will mark his golden jubilee
in 2018. He has only just turned 70, and he is in good
health. The line of succession is already secured for the
next two generations.

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