Muse September 2017

(Axel Boer) #1

Time Travel
Could Get Bumpy
For the past few days, I’ve
been thinking: Cate, you
can time travel. So why not,
like, stop the World Wars from
happening and stuf? Also,
how do your glasses stay on?
age 11 (ish)

Hi Ronald! I’ve wondered
the same thing. Cate
says time travel has
complex rules, though,
and she took sooooo long
explaining that I fell asleep
partway through. BTW, I’ve never
seen her glasses fall of , but she
does remove them at bedtime.

Baking, Bumblebees,
and Beeswax
When I get a new Muse
issue, I immediately read
it cover to cover! It would
be awesome if you did an
issue or an article on baking,
bumblebees, or beeswax.
h ese subjects are actually
super interesting, and I would
love to learn more about them.
I’m not going to send any

amazing creatures to MuseH
if you don’t publish this, but
I’ll appreciate it if the HPBs
don’t eat this letter like they
did my last three letters!
—ELVA L. / age 11 / California

Longtime Reader,
First-time Letter-Sender
I love your magazine. I have
been reading it since I was
seven, and I still love it now. I
have written letters to you in the
past, but they were never sent.
Anyway, I i nd it important to
state that my favorite issue was
dei nitely the September 2016
issue (which I have right next
to me as I write this), “h inking
Dif erent.” I was very inspired
by the article on ADHD, as I
have it (or rather a form of it,
ADD). I have always thought
of it as a bad thing, but I now
realize that it can actually help
me later in life. Also, Cate, do
you think you could ever take
Aarti, Whatsi, and O into the
future sometime? I’d really like
to see that.
—RACHEL W. / age 11
P.S. I would greatly
appreciate if this letter did not
go into the fan mail pit (FMP).

Something to say
Send letters to Muse Mail,
70 E. Lake St., Suite 800,
Chicago, IL 60601,
or email them to
[email protected].



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