Muse September 2017

(Axel Boer) #1



One of
these stories is
FALSE. Can you
spot which one?
The answer is on
page 39.

text © 2017 by Elizabeth Preston


Is This Moon

Making You



NASA spacecraft called Cassini has been
orbiting Saturn since 2004 and helping scientists
learn about the planet. It’s now wrapping up its
i nal mission. h e probe is l ying between Saturn
and its rings—a risky trip, since the rings are
made of zooming rocks and ice chunks. h is September,
Cassini will plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere and burn up. In
the meantime, it’s sending back photos from this exciting
vantage point. h ose include new images of Pan, Saturn’s
closest moon.
h e tiny moon is only about 22 miles (35 kilometers) wide.
It whips around Saturn once every 13.8 hours. h e most
striking thing about this moon, though, is its shape. h e
Cassini images, the nearest pictures ever taken of Pan, capture
the weird ridge that circles the
little moon. People
disagree about what
it most looks like: Is
it a space ravioli?
An empanada? A
pan-fried dump-
ling?... Be right
back, we’re
getting something
to eat.
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