2017-08-08 Asian Geographic JUNIOR

(Ron) #1

Harnessing energy from the wind using
a turbine, the wind turns two or three
propeller-like blades around a rotor.
This rotor spins a generator, and this
generates electricity. A wind turbine
works in an opposite way to a fan.
A fan uses electricity to produce
moving air, whereas a wind turbine
uses natural wind to create electricity!
Wind farms are usually built in flat,
open areas where the wind blows
at least 23 kilometres an hour.

Some countries have implemented
wind farms with incredible success.
The countr y with the highest propor tion
of wind-generated power is Denmark.
In 2015, the small Scandinavian countr y
produced 42 percent of their electricity
from wind! Now that’s a nod towards
sustainability. So, while it is sometimes
all too easy to complain about living in
windy cities, this free-moving resource
is renewable, and emits no harmful
greenhouse gases.


46 Issue 4


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