Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

characters which gives insight to the world outside the Robinson
family. It’s emotional within the family but also shows us that we
are not alone in all of this, and knowing we can count on others
makes life on the planet a lot more interesting.

  1. Any embarrassing moments when you filmed Lost In Space?
    One of the major sets we used was a glacier set where the floor
    was this upwards-facing ramp made of slippery ice-like material
    and covered in white dust for snow. There was one take when I
    am supposed to run up but about halfway up the ramp I slipped,
    tried to catch myself on my other foot which only led to slipping
    again, fell back and rolled down the hill. It happened so fast I
    didn’t even have time to process what was happening, all I could
    hear was both Toby and our director howling with laughter. And
    the best part is, they got in on camera... so I NEVER get to live it

  2. What is your favorite scene on Lost In Space?
    Penny opens up to a boy and it’s complicated.... which was
    actually surprisingly fun to shoot; the scene brings out the perfect,
    genuine level of painful awkwardness that sums up being a
    teenager in an uncomfortable position (and I hope it makes
    everyone cringe as hard as we did filming it hahaha).

  3. How would you describe the relationship between Penny and
    her family?
    Penny is the oddball out; she’s the sarcastic middle child and the
    romantic writer in a family of scientists. The show itself really is all
    about family; about learning how to use both the good and parts
    of each other and working together to survive. In my case Penny
    becomes the communicator; using her language strengths for the

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