Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Any ideas or thoughts about season 2 of Lost In Space?
    I haven’t heard anything specific yet, but fingers crossed the next
    adventure is in a bit of a warmer climate... a BEACH, perhaps.

  2. So many young actresses are committed to public service,
    setting a great example for their peers in terms of being involved
    with charities and the community. What causes are important to
    you, and what do you do to support them?
    Developing countries have been exploited for centuries and it’s
    our time now, as young people, to give back. It’s our time to
    welcome other cultures, to learn from them and to fight the
    xenophobia we see in the news every day. We are all Immigrants
    somewhere and I think we should work together to welcome
    refugees, foster acceptance, and use the power of our wallet to
    drive change.
    I recently spent two weeks in the Dominican Republic on a service
    trip; it was a group of us from all over the US who came together
    to help build and paint schools and houses, teach English, and
    spend time with various communities. I don’t think there is any
    feeling in the world that could top the feeling you get when you
    know you helped make someone else’s life better, even if by just a
    little bit.

  3. As a teen actor, how do you strike the balance between your
    career and schoolwork
    What balance?! There is no such thing as balance in high school,
    we are teenagers after all... One day I’ll have six hours worth of
    reading while on set trying to prepare an emotional scene, the next
    I’ll only have three math equations and some easy lines. Honestly,
    just working with it and being as efficient as possible is the only
    reason I am still sane.

  4. If you were not a teen actor, what would you be up to now?
    If I could I would join the Peace Corps and I would be in Malawi,
    Ghana, or Cameroon working on teaching and empowering kids.

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