Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. If you have the chance to choose any other stars at your age to
    be your classmate, whom would you like to?
    Caleb McLaughlin from Stranger Things!! He’s hilarious.... I think
    he would be so fun to be in class with.

  2. What is your typical day like when you’re not working?
    A regular weekday: wake up, feed the dog, go to school, come
    home, study, feed the dog, eat, binge-watch Gilmore Girls, sleep. I
    live a VERY fascinating life. Obviously.

  3. Favorite Sport: does sleeping count?
    Favorite Music: I tend to lean towards a mix of indie and rnb
    Travel Destination: AFRICA!
    Favorite TV Show: Did I already mention Gilmore Girls?
    Dream College: I’ve got a list, I’m aiming high... but I don't want
    to jinx it!!

  4. As part of the show, what do you think the viewers will be
    attracted and loved about Lost In Space?
    It’s funny, it appeals to all ages - I can watch this with my
    grandmother and I could watch this with my younger cousins and
    everybody will be able to relate to something.

  5. Now for my last question: what do you want to say to those
    who wish to pursue their singing careers?
    Work hard and believe in what you do, but know when to listen
    and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Singing, like any
    other art, takes passion and guts but also learned structure and
    craft (which means many hours of blood, sweat, and tears... but a
    killer ballad to close it off).

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