Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Interview with Luna Blaise

  1. What are the projects that you are currently working
    Right now I’m on season 4 of Fresh Off The Boat
    and working on my music.

  2. What do you feel is your biggest achievement so far?
    I guess it’d be getting to do what I love.

  3. Why and when did you decide to start your
    career as an actress and a professional muser?
    I love acting and always want to be an actress. As
    for musical.ly, I never intended to be a professional
    muser. I do it just for fun.

  4. Any idea or thoughts about season 4 of Fresh
    Off The Boat?
    It’s gonna to be an amazing season. Eddie is going
    to high school and turning into a young adult. There
    would be something new and exciting for him during
    this season.

  5. How would you describe the relationship between
    Nicole and Eddie? In Nicole’s point of view, what kinds of
    person is Eddie?
    I would say that the relationship between Eddie and
    Nicole is honest. They have a true friendship and always take
    care of each other.

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