Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. So many young actresses are committed to public
    service, setting a great example for their peers in terms
    of being involved with charities and the community.
    What causes are important to you, and what do you do
    to support them?
    I would say that environment is an important cause to me.
    In my opinion it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect where
    we live and grow.
    I also get involved with breast cancer and helping children

  2. What is your typical day like when you’re not
    When I wake up, I’ll first check my social media to keep
    up with the latest information on the internet. Then I’ll do
    some schoolwork and hang out with my friends (basically
    we’d go shopping,)

1 2. As part of the show, what do you think the viewers
will be attracted and loved about Fresh off The Boat?
We’re getting an exciting year. There would be so many
amazing stuffs. Eddie is going to high school. Everything will
be so different! (Short Note: Season 4 Fresh Off The Boat
will premiere on Oct 3rd.)
13. Now for my last question: what do you want to say to
those who wish to pursue their acting careers?
Do what you love and enjoy it!

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