Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

“Think any of them will cyber with us today?” Henry asked.

Bryce didn’t answer, because Justin had started saying the word “Barbie” in
an Australian accent. They both started saying it and laughing, but Henry
didn’t know why. He thought about Barbie dolls and wondered what they
had to do with Australia.

As the three of them listened to the computer dialing up, Bryce asked, “What
should our name be?”

Justin suggested “The Hockey Guys.”

“That’s stupid,” Bryce said.

Nobody said anything for a moment, so Henry said, “The Masturbators.”

Justin laughed, but Bryce said, “What are you talking about? You don’t even
know what a masturbator is.”

“Do too,” Henry said.

“Then what is it?” Bryce asked. He swiveled his chair around to face Henry.
Justin leaned back against the desk and looked around the room without
meeting Henry’s eyes.

“It’s when you stimulate one’s genitals.”

Bryce blew air through his lips and laughed with a huff. “You’re such a
moron. That’s not what masturbating is.”

“Is too. It’s in the dictionary.”

Bryce said, “No it’s not. Masturbating is when you pull on your wiener. My
babysitter told me, and he’s in high school so he would know. He says that
middle school is full of masturbators.”

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Henry said. “Pulling on your wiener hurts.”

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